Monday, October 15, 2018

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat ,known suffering, known struggle , known loss and have found their way out of those steps  (Elizabeth Kubler-Ross)

      Stripping away any perceived Notions that you are not a creative individual will open up your imagination to A New Path. A.M.E (ISBN)

   I created the journals and notebooks for myself and others too document our creativity along with your daily habits ,bullet journaling your dreams and your goals. With your ability to accessorize with paper , ephemera or you're writing . Journaling and planning is sustaining stability in every day itineraries. Navigate to the hard situations productively by writing them down, the positives and the negatives of the day so at the end of the day you can understand more of what you're possibilities of changing situations can be ,once reading them.
You will read through and learn more about yourself with trial and error. A.M.E (Isbn)